Public Service and Government Officers Csa General Agreement 2017 (Psgoga)

Public Service and Government Officers CSA General Agreement 2017 (PSGOGA): A Comprehensive Overview

The Public Service and Government Officers CSA General Agreement 2017 (PSGOGA) is the collective bargaining agreement that governs the terms and conditions of employment for public sector workers in Singapore. Signed between the Civil Service Commission and the Civil Service Employees Union in 2017, it sets out the rights and benefits of civil servants and outlines their responsibilities in serving the country.

Here is a comprehensive overview of the key features of PSGOGA:

1. Salary: The agreement provides for a salary increase of 3.5% for all civil servants in 2017. There is also a mid-year bonus and an end-of-year bonus, which are pegged at one month’s salary and 0.5 month’s salary respectively.

2. Leave entitlement: Civil servants are entitled to various types of leave, including annual leave, sick leave, and compassionate leave. The number of days for each type of leave is specified in the agreement.

3. Work hours: The standard workweek for civil servants is 44 hours, with a maximum of 8 hours of work per day. There are also provisions for overtime work and rest days.

4. Performance appraisal: The agreement provides for a performance appraisal system for civil servants, which is used to assess their work performance and determine their eligibility for promotion and salary increment.

5. Grievance procedure: The agreement outlines a grievance procedure for civil servants who have issues with their work conditions or treatment at the workplace. The procedure involves filing a complaint with the employer and seeking resolution through mediation or arbitration.

6. Health and safety: The agreement contains provisions for ensuring the health and safety of civil servants at the workplace. This includes measures to prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases.

7. Retirement and benefits: The agreement sets out the retirement age and benefits for civil servants. It also provides for various other benefits, such as medical and dental benefits, housing allowances, and education subsidies for their children.

In conclusion, PSGOGA is a comprehensive agreement that provides for the rights and benefits of civil servants in Singapore. It ensures that civil servants are adequately compensated and have a safe and healthy work environment. Moreover, it outlines the procedures for resolving disputes and ensures that civil servants are treated fairly and with respect. Overall, PSGOGA plays a crucial role in maintaining the high standards of the public service in Singapore.